Application class is the master class for all MUI applications. It serves as a kind of anchor for all input, either coming from the user or somewhere from the system, e.g. commodities or ARexx messages. An application can have any number of sub windows, these windows are the children of the application.
Attribute Ver ISG Type ----------------------------------- --- --- -------------------- MUIA_Application_Active V4 ISG BOOL MUIA_Application_Author V4 I.G STRPTR MUIA_Application_Base V4 I.G STRPTR MUIA_Application_Broker V4 ..G Broker * MUIA_Application_BrokerHook V4 ISG struct Hook * MUIA_Application_BrokerPort V6 ..G struct MsgPort * MUIA_Application_BrokerPri V6 I.G LONG MUIA_Application_Commands V4 ISG struct MUI_Command * MUIA_Application_Copyright V4 I.G STRPTR MUIA_Application_Description V4 I.G STRPTR MUIA_Application_DiskObject V4 ISG struct DiskObject * MUIA_Application_DoubleStart V4 ..G BOOL MUIA_Application_DropObject V5 IS. Object * MUIA_Application_ForceQuit V8 ..G BOOL MUIA_Application_HelpFile V8 ISG STRPTR MUIA_Application_Iconified V4 .SG BOOL MUIA_Application_Menu V4 I.G struct NewMenu * (OBSOLETE) MUIA_Application_MenuAction V4 ..G ULONG MUIA_Application_MenuHelp V4 ..G ULONG MUIA_Application_Menustrip V8 I.. Object * MUIA_Application_RexxHook V7 ISG struct Hook * MUIA_Application_RexxMsg V4 ..G struct RxMsg * MUIA_Application_RexxString V4 .S. STRPTR MUIA_Application_SingleTask V4 I.. BOOL MUIA_Application_Sleep V4 .S. BOOL MUIA_Application_Title V4 I.G STRPTR MUIA_Application_UseCommodities V10 I.. BOOL MUIA_Application_UsedClasses V20 ISG STRPTR * MUIA_Application_UseRexx V10 I.. BOOL MUIA_Application_Version V4 I.G STRPTR MUIA_Application_Window V4 I.. Object * MUIA_Application_WindowList V13 ..G struct List *
Method Ver ----------------------------------- --- MUIM_Application_AboutMUI V14 MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler V11 MUIM_Application_CheckRefresh V11 MUIM_Application_GetMenuCheck V4 (OBSOLETE) MUIM_Application_GetMenuState V4 (OBSOLETE) MUIM_Application_Input V4 (OBSOLETE) MUIM_Application_InputBuffered V4 MUIM_Application_Load V4 MUIM_Application_NewInput V11 MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow V11 MUIM_Application_PushMethod V4 MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler V11 MUIM_Application_ReturnID V4 MUIM_Application_Save V4 MUIM_Application_SetConfigItem V11 MUIM_Application_SetMenuCheck V4 (OBSOLETE) MUIM_Application_SetMenuState V4 (OBSOLETE) MUIM_Application_ShowHelp V4
NAME MUIA_Application_Active -- (V4 ) [ISG], BOOL FUNCTION This attribute reflects the state that the user adjusted with commodities Exchange. MUI itself doesn't pay any attention to it, this is up to you. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Broker
NAME MUIA_Application_Author -- (V4 ) [I.G], STRPTR FUNCTION Name of the applications author. EXAMPLE see MUIA_Application_Title SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Title, MUIA_Application_Copyright, MUIA_Application_Version, MUIA_Application_Description, MUIA_Application_Base
NAME MUIA_Application_Base -- (V4 ) [I.G], STRPTR FUNCTION The basename for an application. This name is used for the builtin ARexx port and for some internal file management. A basename must neither contain spaces nor any special characters such as ":/()#?*...". When your program is a single task application (i.e. MUIA_Application_SingleTask is TRUE), the base name will be used without further modification. Otherwise, it gets a ".1", ".2", etc. appended, depending on how many applications are already running. If you need to know the name of your ARexx port, you can query the base name attribute after the application is created. EXAMPLE see MUIA_Application_Title SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Title, MUIA_Application_Version, MUIA_Application_Author, MUIA_Application_Copyright, MUIA_Application_Description
NAME MUIA_Application_Broker -- (V4 ) [..G], Broker * FUNCTION If you need to attach some additional commodities objects to your application (e.g. because you need lots of hotkeys), you can obtain a pointer to the applications Broker structure and add some commodities objects. MUI will free the complete broker when the application is disposed, no need for you to free your objects yourself. To receive input from your objects, you will also need to install a MUIA_Application_BrokerHook. NOTES You must be prepared to receive a NULL pointer. In this case, the commodities interface is not available, maybe because the user installed a light version of MUI. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_BrokerHook
NAME MUIA_Application_BrokerHook -- (V4 ) [ISG], struct Hook * FUNCTION You specify a pointer to hook structure. The function will be called whenever a commodities message arrives (between MUI's GetMsg() and ReplyMsg()). You receive a pointer to the application object as object in a2 and a pointer to commodities CxMsg message in a1. NOTES The commodities interface isn't available in the memory saving "light" version of MUI. Your hook will never be called in this case. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Broker
NAME MUIA_Application_BrokerPort -- (V6 ) [..G], struct MsgPort * FUNCTION Get a pointer to the applications commodities message port. If you want to add own Hotkeys to your application, you need a message port. Instead of creating your own, you should better use this one. NOTES You must be prepared to receive a NULL pointer. In this case, the commodities interface is not available, maybe because the user installed a light version of MUI. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_BrokerHook
NAME MUIA_Application_BrokerPri -- (V6 ) [I.G], LONG FUNCTION Adjust the priority of an applications broker. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_BrokerHook
NAME MUIA_Application_Commands -- (V4 ) [ISG], struct MUI_Command * FUNCTION This attribute allows an application to include its own set of ARexx commands. You specify a pointer to an array of MUI_Command structures, which look like this: struct MUI_Command { char *mc_Name; char *mc_Template; LONG mc_Parameters; struct Hook *mc_Hook; LONG mc_Reserved[5]; }; mc_Name contains the name of your command. Commands are not case sensitive. mc_Template is an argument template that follows the same rules as dos.library/ReadArgs(). It may be NULL, in which case your command doesn't need any parameters. mc_Parameters is the number of parameters specified in the template array. mc_Hook is a pointer to the callback hook defining the function to be called. You may specify any number of MUI_Command structures, but you must terminate your array with a NULL field. When a command shows up an applications ARexx port, MUI parses the arguments according to the given template and calls the hook with the application object as hook object in a2 and a pointer to an array of longwords containing the parameters in a1. The result code of your hook will be replied to ARexx as rc. If you have some simple ARexx commands that just emulate some user action (e.g. clicking a button), you can use the magic cookie MC_TEMPLATE_ID for mc_Template and a return id value for mc_Parameters. In this case, MUI will do no argument parsing and instead simply return the specified id value on the next call to MUIM_Application_Input. For more sophisticated possibilities in ARexx callback hooks, please refer to MUIA_Application_RexxMsg and MUIA_Application_RexxString. EXAMPLE static struct MUI_Command commands[] = { { "rescan", MC_TEMPLATE_ID, ID_RESCAN, NULL }, { "select", "PATTERN/A" , 1 , &selhook }, { NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL } }; SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_RexxMsg, MUIA_Application_RexxString
NAME MUIA_Application_Copyright -- (V4 ) [I.G], STRPTR FUNCTION A copyright string, containing the year and the company. EXAMPLE see MUIA_Application_Title SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Title, MUIA_Application_Version, MUIA_Application_Author, MUIA_Application_Description, MUIA_Application_Base
NAME MUIA_Application_Description -- (V4 ) [I.G], STRPTR FUNCTION Short description, about 40 characters. Shown e.g. in commodities exchange. EXAMPLE see MUIA_Application_Title SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Title, MUIA_Application_Version, MUIA_Application_Author, MUIA_Application_Copyright, MUIA_Application_Base
NAME MUIA_Application_DiskObject -- (V4 ) [ISG], struct DiskObject * FUNCTION Pointer to a struct DiskObject, e.g. obtained from GetDiskObject(). If present, MUI will use this object for the AppIcon when your application gets iconified. Otherwise MUI will try to locate "env:sys/" and, if not present, fall back to a default icon. EXAMPLE ... MUIA_Application_DiskObject, dobj = GetDiskObject("PROGDIR:MyApp"), ... /* note that you have to free dobj yourself! */ SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Iconified
NAME MUIA_Application_DoubleStart -- (V4 ) [..G], BOOL FUNCTION This attribute is set automatically when the user tries to start a MUIA_Application_SingleTask application twice. You can react on this and take appropriate actions, e.g. pop up a requester or quit yourself. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_SingleTask
NAME MUIA_Application_DropObject -- (V5 ) [IS.], Object * FUNCTION If your application is iconified and the user drops icons onto the AppIcon, the object specified here will receive the AppMessage. SEE ALSO MUIA_Window_AppWindow, MUIM_CallHook
NAME MUIA_Application_ForceQuit -- (V8 ) [..G], BOOL FUNCTION When your input loop receives a MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit, you should query this attribute. In case its TRUE, your program should exit quietly without popping up any safety requesters or other stuff. MUI will e.g. set this if the user issued a "QUIT FORCE" ARexx command to your application.
NAME MUIA_Application_HelpFile -- (V8 ) [ISG], STRPTR FUNCTION This attribute allows defining an AmigaGuide style file to be displayed when the user requests online help. When the HELP button is pressed and the application defines a MUIA_Application_HelpFile, MUI tries to obtain MUIA_HelpNode from the current object (the one under the mouse pointer). If MUIA_HelpNode is not defined, MUI continues asking the parent object for this attribute (usually a group, but remember: the parent of a windows root object is the window itself, the parent of a window is the application). When a non NULL MUIA_HelpNode is found, the same procedure is applied to MUIA_HelpLine. Then MUI puts the application to sleep and displays the file at the position specified with MUIA_HelpNode and/or MUIA_HelpLine. This behaviour allows you to define one MUIA_Application_HelpFile for your application object and different help nodes and lines for your applications windows and/or gadgets. EXAMPLE ApplicationObject, ... MUIA_Application_HelpFile, "", ..., SubWindow, WindowObject, MUIA_Window_Title, "Prefs Window", ..., MUIA_HelpNode, "prefs-section", ..., End, SubWindow, WindowObject, MUIA_Window_Title, "Play Window", ... MUIA_HelpNode, "play-section", ... WindowContents, VGroup, ..., Child, StringObject, MUIA_HelpNode, "play-string", ..., End, End, End, End; In this case, the user will get the prefs-section chapter of "" when he requests help in the Prefs window, the play-string chapter when he requests help over the string gadget in the Play window or the play-section chapter somewhere else in the Play window. NOTES Since muimaster.library V8, this attribute replaces the old and obsolete MUIA_HelpFile attribute. MUI no longer supports the possibility to specify different help files for different parts of your application. This step was necessary due to some other internal changes and enhancements. SEE ALSO MUIA_HelpNode, MUIA_HelpLine
NAME MUIA_Application_Iconified -- (V4 ) [.SG], BOOL FUNCTION Setting this attribute to TRUE causes the application to become iconified. Every open window will be closed and a (configurable) AppIcon will appear on the workbench. Same thing happens when the user hits the iconify gadget in the window border or uses commodities Exchange to hide your applications interface. There is no way for you to prevent your application from being iconified. However, you can react on the iconification by listening to the MUIA_Application_Iconified attribute with notification. This allows you to free some resources you don't need in iconified state. When an application is iconified and you try to open a window, the window won't open immediately. Instead MUI remembers this action and opens the window once the application is uniconified again. EXAMPLE /* inform the main input loop of iconification events */ #define ID_HIDE 42 #define ID_SHOW 24 DoMethod(app,MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Application_Iconified, TRUE, app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_HIDE); DoMethod(app,MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Application_Iconified, FALSE, app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_SHOW); SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_DiskObject
NAME MUIA_Application_Menu -- (V4 ) [I.G], struct NewMenu * (OBSOLETE) FUNCTION Obsolete, use MUIA_Application_Menustrip instead. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Menustrip
NAME MUIA_Application_MenuAction -- (V4 ) [..G], ULONG FUNCTION Whenever a menu item is selected, this attribute will be set to the corresponding UserData field of the gadtools NewMenu structure. This allows reacting on menu items via broadcasting. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Menu, MUIA_Application_MenuAction
NAME MUIA_Application_MenuHelp -- (V4 ) [..G], ULONG FUNCTION Whenever a menu item is selected with the help key, this attribute will be set to the corresponding UserData field of the gadtools NewMenu structure. Together with MUIM_Application_ShowHelp this allows creation of menu help texts. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Menu, MUIA_Application_ShowHelp
NAME MUIA_Application_Menustrip -- (V8 ) [I..], Object * FUNCTION Specify a menu strip object for the application. The object is treated as a child of the application and will be disposed when the application is disposed. Menustrip objects defined for the application are used as menu for every window of the application, as long as the window doesn't define its private menu. MUIA_Application_Menustrip replaces the old and obsolete MUIA_Application_Menu tag. Usually, you will create the menu object with MUI's builtin object library from a gadtools NewMenu structure, but its also OK to define the menu tree "by hand" using the Family class.
NAME MUIA_Application_RexxHook -- (V7 ) [ISG], struct Hook * FUNCTION When specified, MUI calls this hook whenever a rexx message arrives and MUI can't map it to a builtin or a programmer specified command. The hook will be called with a pointer to itself in A0, a pointer to the application object in A2 and a pointer to a struct RexxMsg in A1. The return code from the hook is used as result code when replying the message, the secondary result can be set with MUIA_Application_RexxString. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Commands
NAME MUIA_Application_RexxMsg -- (V4 ) [..G], struct RxMsg * FUNCTION Within an ARexx callback hook, you can obtain a pointer to the RexxMsg that came with the command. This allows you to use some ARexx support functions coming with amiga.lib SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Commands, MUIA_Application_RexxString
NAME MUIA_Application_RexxString -- (V4 ) [.S.], STRPTR FUNCTION ARexx allows returning a string as result of a function call. This attribute allows setting the result string within an ARexx callback hook. The string is temporarily copied. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Commands, MUIA_Application_RexxMsg
NAME MUIA_Application_SingleTask -- (V4 ) [I..], BOOL FUNCTION Boolean value to indicate whether or not your application is a single task program. When set to TRUE, MUI will refuse to create more than one application object. In this case, the already running application gets its MUIA_Application_DoubleStart attribute set to TRUE. You can listen to this and take appropriate actions, e.g. pop up a requester. Examples for single task applications are the system preferences program. It doesn't make sense for them to run more than once. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_DoubleStart
NAME MUIA_Application_Sleep -- (V4 ) [.S.], BOOL FUNCTION This attribute can be used to put a whole application to sleep. All open windows get disabled and a busy pointer appears. This attribute contains a nesting count, if you tell your application to sleep twice, you will have to tell it to wake up twice too. If you need to do some time consuming actions, you always should set this attribute to inform the user that you are currently unable to handle input. A sleeping application's windows cannot be resized. EXAMPLES set(app,MUIA_Application_Sleep,TRUE ); // go to bed calc_fractals(); set(app,MUIA_Application_Sleep,FALSE); // wake up SEE ALSO MUIA_Window_Sleep, MUIM_Application_InputBuffered
NAME MUIA_Application_Title -- (V4 ) [I.G], STRPTR FUNCTION This tag defines the title of an application. The title is e.g. shown in Commodities Exchange or in the MUI preferences program. An application title shall not contain any version information, just the pure title. Also, special characters such as ":/()#?*..." are not allowed. You should use a quite long and unique name for your applications. Naming it "Viewer" or "Browser" is not a wise choice. The length of the name must not exceed 30 characters! EXAMPLE ApplicationObject, MUIA_Application_Title , "WbMan", MUIA_Application_Version , "$VER: WbMan 0.24 (19.7.93)", MUIA_Application_Copyright , "© 1993 by Klaus Melchior", MUIA_Application_Author , "Klaus Melchior", MUIA_Application_Description, "Manages the WBStartup.", MUIA_Application_Base , "WBMAN", ... SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Version, MUIA_Application_Copyright, MUIA_Application_Author, MUIA_Application_Description, MUIA_Application_Base
NAME MUIA_Application_UseCommodities -- (V10) [I..], BOOL FUNCTION When set to FALSE, the application will run without a commodities interface. Think very well before using this tag! SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_UseRexx
NAME MUIA_Application_UsedClasses -- (V20) [ISG], STRPTR * FUNCTION Tell the MUI system what external classes your application might use. You have to pass a pointer to a NULL terminated string array which lists each of the external classes used by your application. For example, if your program uses the Listtree class, add "Listtree.mcc" to the array. Although MUI does not strictly require this information to run your application, you should nevertheless make it available. With the aid of this attribute, MUI will be able to determine which GUI preferences pages should be presented to the user when he adjusts your application specific MUI settings. If you do not inform MUI about your external classes, MUI will present lots of unnecessary pages that won't affect your application at all. Any MUI program should therefore use this tag. NOTE You only have to supply names of external classes (i.e. classes that end in ".mcc"). There is no need to supply default MUI classes which end in ".mui". If your program does not need any external classes at all, supply an empty string array: static STRPTR UsedClasses[] = { NULL }; EXAMPLE /* application uses Listtree, Pophotkey, Popport, Popposition, Textinput & Busy classes */ static STRPTR UsedClasses[] = { "Listtree.mcc", "Pophotkey.mcc", "Popport.mcc", "Textinput.mcc", "Textinputscroll.mcc", "Busy.mcc", NULL }; ... app = ApplicationObject, ... MUIA_Application_UsedClasses, UsedClasses, ... End; SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow,
NAME MUIA_Application_UseRexx -- (V10) [I..], BOOL FUNCTION When set to FALSE, the application will run without an ARexx interface. Think very well before using this tag! SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_UseCommodities
NAME MUIA_Application_Version -- (V4 ) [I.G], STRPTR FUNCTION Define a version string for an application. This string shall follow standard version string convetions but must *not* contain a leading "\0". EXAMPLE see MUIA_Application_Title SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Title, MUIA_Application_Copyright, MUIA_Application_Author, MUIA_Application_Description, MUIA_Application_Base
NAME MUIA_Application_Window -- (V4 ) [I..], Object * FUNCTION A pointer to a MUI object of Window class. An application may have any number of sub windows, each of them being a child of the application. When the application receives some kind of user input through its IDCMP, it diverts the message down to its children, as long as they are opened. Things like iconification or preferences changes cause the application object to temporarily close every open window (and reopen it later). Your main program normally doesn't need to deal with these things. As with the children of group class, it's common to use a call to MUI_NewObject() as value for this attribute. No error checking needs to be done, the application object handles every failure automatically. When you dispose your application, its sub windows will also get deleted. Thus, the only thing to do to remove your application is a MUI_DisposeObject(ApplicationObject); Every window, every gadget, every memory will be freed by this single call. EXAMPLE Please refer to one of the example programs. SEE ALSO
NAME MUIA_Application_WindowList -- (V13) [..G], struct List * FUNCTION This attribute returns a pointer to the exec list structure which contains the children (i.e. windows) of an application. Parse this with intuition.library/NextObject()!
NAME MUIM_Application_AboutMUI (V14) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_AboutMUI,Object *refwindow); FUNCTION Show the MUI about window. Please include that in all your applications and link with a menu item called "About MUI...". INPUTS - refwindow: pointer to a window object as reference. If !=NULL, the MUI about window is centered according to this window. Note that this points to a MUI window object, not to a struct window. EXAMPLE DoMethod((Object *)DoMethod(strip,MUIM_FindUData,MEN_ABOUT), MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Menuitem_Trigger,MUIV_EveryTime, MUIV_Notify_Application,2,MUIM_Application_AboutMUI,mywinobj);
NAME MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler (V11) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler,struct MUI_InputHandlerNode *ihnode); FUNCTION Up to MUI 2.3, it was not easy to build custom classes which should react on signals of private message ports. For example, a clock class would want to be notified every second to update its display. Old versions of MUI forced you to Wait() for a timer signal in the main loop and notify the custom class. Since MUI 3, the existance of so called "input handlers" (don't mix up with input.device input handler) eliminates the need of dealing with the main loop in these cases. A class can create message ports and react on their signals on its own without interferring the main program. For a clock class, this would mean that you simply create the object into any MUI window and it starts updating itself every second automatically. A game class could open the gameport.device and react on joystick messages, an html class could talk to network ports all on its own. All this helps to further encapsulate your program into subclasses and make it a lot more easy to maintain. Let me repeat the main loop of an ideal MUI application here: ULONG sigs = 0; while (DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_NewInput,&sigs) != MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit) { if (sigs) { sigs = Wait(sigs | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C); if (sigs & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) break; } } To be able to react on signals, you must fill out a MUI_InputHandlerNode structure (probably located in your classes instance data) and call MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler with the structure as parameter. From now on, your class will receive the specified method whenever one of the given signals arrives. Since we're talking about a method of application class here, it's clear that you cannot call it until you know about your application object. Good places for MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler/RemInputHandler are probably the MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup methods of your class. INPUTS ihnode - Pointer to an initialized MUI_InputHandlerNode structure: ihn_Object - fill in a pointer to your object. ihn_Signals - signals you wish to be notified on. You can set more than one bit here. ihn_Flags - always set to 0 for now. ihn_Method - method that you want to receive when one of ihn_Signals is set. RESULT MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler cannot fail, the result value of the method is currently undefined. NOTES You must match each AddInputHandler with exatly one RemInputHandler method. Do not add a MUI_InputHandlerNode which is currently in use. IMPORTANT: Your trigger method might also be called when none of your signals arrived. You *must* make sure that you check your conditions in the trigger method (if (GetMsg(port) ... or if (CheckIO(req)) ...). Also, please make these checks quick and return FALSE as fast as possible when none of your conditions was met. Return TRUE if you have "used" the trigger method. TIMER Since muimaster.library V13, MUIs application class implements a builtin timer. By using this one instead of creating your own IO requests, you avoid the problem of having each instance of your object allocating a signal bit. To make use of this timer, use the above described procedure of initializing and adding your MUI_InputHandlerNode structure, but set the MUIIHNF_TIMER in ihn_Flags. Furthermore, specify the number of milliseconds after which you want to receive your method in ihn_Millis. Note that ihn_Millis is in fact part of a union placed at the same memory location as ihn_Signals, do not use ihn_Signals when MUIIHNF_TIMER is set. Besides from MUIIHNF_TIMER and ihn_Millis instead of ihn_Signals, using the timer is similiar to other input handlers. Removing with MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler is not different at all. EXAMPLE OM_NEW: data->port = CreateMsgPort(); data->req = CreateIORequest(data->port,sizeof(struct timerequest)); OpenDevice(TIMERNAME,UNIT_VBLANK,(struct IORequest *)data->req,0); data->ihnode.ihn_Object = obj; data->ihnode.ihn_Signals = IO_SIGMASK(data->req); data->ihnode.ihn_Flags = 0; data->ihnode.ihn_Method = MY_TRIGGER_METHOD; OM_DISPOSE: CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)data->req); DeleteIORequest(data->req); DeleteMsgPort(data->port); MUIM_Setup: data->req->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST; data->req->tr_time.tv_secs = 1; data->req->tr_time.tv_micro = 0; SendIO((struct IORequest *)data->req); DoMethod(_app(obj),MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler,&data->ihnode); MUIM_Cleanup: DoMethod(_app(obj),MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler,&data->ihnode); if (!CheckIO(data->req)) AbortIO(data->req); WaitIO(data->req); MY_TRIGGER_METHOD: if (CheckIO(data->req)) { WaitIO(data->req); /* update display or do anything else here ... */ /* send a new timer event */ data->req->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST; data->req->tr_time.tv_secs = 1; data->req->tr_time.tv_micro = 0; SendIO((struct IORequest *)data->req); return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler, MUIM_Application_Input
NAME MUIM_Application_CheckRefresh (V11) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_CheckRefresh); FUNCTION This method checks all currently open windows if they need refreshing and refreshes them if necessary. You won't need to call this method if you are within your traditional MUI main loop. However, if you e.g. spawn some kind of synchronous requester (AslRequest), MUI cannot react on IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW messages. The result is that the user may see a damaged MUI window if he moves around a file requester and MUI is configured for simple refresh. MUIA_Application_CheckRefresh is the solution for this problem. Just open your requesters with ASLFR_UserData , ApplicationObject, ASLFR_IntuiMsgFunc, &IntuiMsgHook, and let IntuiMsgHook point to something like this: SAVEDS ASM VOID IntuiMsgFunc( _a1 struct IntuiMessage *imsg, _a2 struct FileRequester *req) { if (imsg->Class==IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW) DoMethod(req->fr_UserData,MUIM_Application_CheckRefresh); } RESULT Windows with damage will be refreshed. This may result in MUI calling MUIM_Draw of some of your custom classes. The result value of this method is undefined. SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_InputBuffered
NAME MUIM_Application_GetMenuCheck (V4 ) (OBSOLETE) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_GetMenuCheck,ULONG MenuID); FUNCTION Ask whether a checkmark menu item has its checkmark set or cleared. The application will ask its sub windows for a menu item with the given id and return the state of the first item it finds. INPUTS MenuID - the value you wrote into the UserData field of struct NewMenu. SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_SetMenuCheck, MUIA_Application_Menu
NAME MUIM_Application_GetMenuState (V4 ) (OBSOLETE) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_GetMenuState,ULONG MenuID); FUNCTION Ask whether a menu item is enabled or disabled. The application will ask its sub windows for a menu item with the given id and return the state of the first item it finds. INPUTS MenuID - the value you wrote into the UserData field of struct NewMenu. SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_SetMenuState, MUIA_Application_Menu
NAME MUIM_Application_Input (V4 ) (OBSOLETE) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_Input,ULONG *signal); FUNCTION The MUI system itself does not wait for any user input. It just tells your application which signal bits it has allocated, then it's up to you to call MUIs input handle function when one of these signals gets set. In a simple MUI application you would just Wait() for these signals and call MUI when one is received. However, you can perfectly allocate some signal bits yourself and include them in your Wait() command. You needn't even Wait(), your application could maybe calculate some fractal graphics or copy disks, the only important thing is that you call MUI's input method when one of the MUI allocated signals arrives. The usual way of communication with your user interface is via return ids. Every action happening to the GUI can create return ids, e.g. pressing a button or trying to close a window. MUI buffers these ids and uses them as result codes for the input method. Thats where you can get it from and take the appropriate actions. Now lets have a look on a usual input loop of a MUI application. Imagine you have an Play and a Cancel button and have previously told them to return ID_PLAY and ID_CANCEL when pressed. (see MUIM_Notify and MUIM_Application_ReturnID on information about these topics). Your input loop would look like this: while (running) { ULONG signals; switch (DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_Input,&signals)) { case ID_PLAY: PlaySound(); break; case ID_CANCEL: case MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit: running = FALSE; break; } if (running && signals) Wait(signals); } So what is happening here? First, you have to call the MUIM_Application_Input method. You supply the address of a ULONG as parameter, thats where MUI fills in the signals it needs. Note that you can call the input method at any time, regardless of signal setting. MUI will simply return when there is nothing to do. In case the user pressed the Play or the Cancel button, MUIM_Application_Input will return ID_PLAY or ID_CANCEL. Otherwise you will receive a 0, that's why you cannot use 0 as one of your id values. There is one predefined id called MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit. This will be sent to you when someone tried to quit your application from outside, e.g. via commodities exchange or the ARexx "quit" command. It is required that your application handles this id, just treat as if the user clicked on a "Quit" button or selected a "Quit" menu item. After handling the return value, you have to examine if MUI wants you to wait for any signals. If this is the case (signals != 0), just wait for it. If MUI puts a 0 into signals it wants to tell you to immediately call the input method again, maybe some other return ids have received and need to be handled. You *must* check this because Wait()ing on a zero signal mask is not a good idea! Note: It is very important that you call the input method whenever a signal arrives. MUI needs this to correctly refresh its windows, handle resizing and iconification operations and commodities and ARexx messages. If you don't, you will annoy your user! If your program needs to be in a state where you are for some reasons unable to call the input method for a considerable amount of time (maybe half a second or more), you should put your application to sleep. See MUIA_Application_Sleep on how to do this. SEE ALSO MUIA_Application_Sleep, MUIM_Application_InputBuffered, MUIM_Application_NewInput
NAME MUIM_Application_InputBuffered (V4 ) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_InputBuffered); FUNCTION Imagine your application does some time consuming operation, e.g. copying a disk, and you are for some reasons unable to react on return ids during this period. One solution would be to simply put your application to sleep, it will get a busy pointer and the user knows whats going on. However, this will make it impossible for the user to resize your applications windows or iconify it, he will have to wait until you are done with your operation. MUIM_Application_InputBuffered offers a solution for this problem. Using this method, you needn't set to sleep your application. Just call it on a regular basis and MUI will be able to handle all actions concerning the GUI. You do not need to pay attention on return values, they remain on an internal stack until your next call to the non buffered input method. EXAMPLE for (track=0; track<80; track++) { read_track(); DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_InputBuffered); write_track(); DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_InputBuffered); } SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_Input, MUIA_Application_Sleep
NAME MUIM_Application_Load (V4 ) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_Load,STRPTR name); FUNCTION MUIM_Application_Save, MUIM_Application_Load and MUIA_ObjectID offer an easy way of saving and loading a programs configuration. Each gadget with a non NULL MUIA_ObjectID will get its contents saved during MUIM_Application_Save and restored during MUIM_Application_Load. This makes it very easy to design a configuration window with "Save", "Use" and "Cancel" buttons to allow the user storing the settings. When the application starts, you would just have to call MUIM_Application_Load and the stored settings will be read and installed. Not all classes are able to import and export their contents. Currently, you may define a MUIA_ObjectID for String class - MUIA_String_Contents is ex/imported. Radio class - MUIA_Radio_Active is ex/imported. Cycle class - MUIA_Cycle_Active is ex/imported. List class - MUIA_List_Active is /ex/imported. Text class - MUIA_Text_Contents is ex/imported. Numeric class - MUIA_Numeric_Value is ex/imported. Area class - MUIA_Selected is ex/imported (e.g. for Checkmark gadgets) Menuitem class - MUIA_Menuitem_Checked is ex/imported (V9). Group class - MUIA_Group_ActivePage is ex/imported (V8). INPUTS name - Name of the file you wish to load the settings from. Usually you won't need to think of a real name but instead use one of the magic cookies MUIV_Application_Load_ENV or MUIV_Application_Load_ENVARC. EXAMPLE see the sample program "Settings.c" SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_Save, notify.mui/MUIA_ObjectID, MUIM_Export, MUIM_Import
NAME MUIM_Application_NewInput (V11) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_NewInput,ULONG *signal); FUNCTION This is an enhanced replacement for MUIM_Application_Input. It depends on receiving the return value from your Wait() or 0 as input to be able to perform the necessary actions more efficient. MUIM_Application_NewInput is generally preferrable over MUIM_Application_Input. EXAMPLE /* ** This is the ideal input loop for an object oriented MUI ** application. Everything is encapsulated in classes, no ** return ids need to be used, we just check if the program ** shall terminate. ** Note that MUIM_Application_NewInput expects sigs to ** contain the result from Wait() (or 0). This makes the ** input loop significantly faster. */ { ULONG sigs = 0; while (DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_NewInput,&sigs) !=MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit) { if (sigs) { sigs = Wait(sigs | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C); if (sigs & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) break; } } } SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_Input
NAME MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow (V11) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow,ULONG flags, STRPTR classid); FUNCTION Since MUI 3, applications can open their own MUI configuration window to allow users to adjust the local preferences without the need of an external program. Programmers are supposed to include a "Settings/MUI..." menu item which simply calls MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow. MUI will then automatically show the preferences window without blocking the rest of the program. Currently no flags are defined; pass 0 for the time being.
NAME MUIM_Application_PushMethod (V4 ) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_PushMethod,Object *dest, LONG count, /* ... */); FUNCTION Usually, you may not talk to the MUI system from two tasks at the same time. MUIM_Application_PushMethod provides some kind of solution for this problem. This (and only this) method may be called from a second task. It takes another method as parameter and puts in onto a private stack of the application object. The next time MUIM_Application_Input is called, the pushed method will be executed in the context of the current task. INPUTS dest - object on which to perform the pushed method. count - number of following arguments. ... - the destination method. RESULT TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. EXAMPLE /* set a status line from a sub task */ DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_PushMethod, txstatus,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Text_Contents,"reading..."); NOTE MUIM_Application_PushMethod has a limit of 7 arguments! SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_Input
NAME MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler (V11) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler,struct MUI_InputHandlerNode *ihnode); FUNCTION Remove an input handler. MUI will no longer call your trigger method after you have removed the MUI_InputHandlerNode. You can add/remove input handler nodes any time as long as you know about your application object. RESULT MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler cannot fail, the result value of the method is currently undefined. INPUTS ihnode - input handler node structure you passed to MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler previously. SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler, MUIM_Application_Input
NAME MUIM_Application_ReturnID (V4 ) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,ULONG retid); FUNCTION Tell MUI to return the given id with the next call to MUIM_Application_Input. Together with the MUI's notification mechanism, this method connects your user interface and your program. If you e.g. want to be informed if the user presses a "Play" button, you would have define an id for this action and set up a notification event with MUIM_Notify. You can use any long word as return id, except from -255 up to 0. These values are reserved for MUI's internal use and for special return values like MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit. Note that MUI will put all incoming return ids onto a private fifo stack and feed this stack to its input methods result code later. NOTE The usage of ReturnIDs is no good MUI programming style. You should build your application with sub classes and hooks instead! See the PublicScreenManager source code for an example of good MUI programming! EXAMPLE /* inform me if a button is pressed (actually released, */ /* since this is the way amiga buttons are handled) */ #define ID_PLAYBUTTON 42 ... DoMethod(buttonobj, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, appobj, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_PLAYBUTTON); ... while (running) { switch (DoMethod(appobj,MUIM_Application_Input,&sigs)) { case ID_PLAYBUTTON: printf("Ok, lets play a game..."); break; } } SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_Input, MUIM_Notify
NAME MUIM_Application_Save (V4 ) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_Save,STRPTR name); FUNCTION MUIM_Application_Save, MUIM_Application_Load and MUIA_ObjectID offer an easy way of saving and loading a programs configuration. Each gadget with a non NULL MUIA_ObjectID will get its contents saved during MUIM_Application_Save and restored during MUIM_Application_Load. This makes it very easy to design a configuration window with "Save", "Use" and "Cancel" buttons to allow the user storing the settings. When the application starts, you would just have to call MUIM_Application_Load and the stored settings will be read and installed. Not all classes are able to import and export their contents. Currently, you may define a MUIA_ObjectID for String class - MUIA_String_Contents is ex/imported. Radio class - MUIA_Radio_Active is ex/imported. Cycle class - MUIA_Cycle_Active is ex/imported. List class - MUIA_List_Active is /ex/imported. Text class - MUIA_Text_Contents is ex/imported. Numeric class - MUIA_Numeric_Value is ex/imported. Area class - MUIA_Selected is ex/imported (e.g. for Checkmark gadgets) Menuitem class - MUIA_Menuitem_Checked is ex/imported (V9). Group class - MUIA_Group_ActivePage is ex/imported (V8). INPUTS name - Name of the file you wish to save the settings to. Usually you won't need to think of a real name but instead use one of the magic cookies MUIV_Application_Save_ENV or MUIV_Application_Save_ENVARC. This will save your application's settings somewhere in env:mui/ or envarc:mui/, you needn't worry about it. EXAMPLE see the sample program "Settings.c" SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_Load, Notify.mui/MUIA_ObjectID MUIM_Export, MUIM_Import
NAME MUIM_Application_SetConfigItem (V11) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_SetConfigItem,ULONG item, APTR data); FUNCTION Private method, only for PSI.
NAME MUIM_Application_SetMenuCheck (V4 ) (OBSOLETE) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_SetMenuCheck,ULONG MenuID, LONG stat); FUNCTION Set or clear the checkmark of a menu item. The application will ask its sub windows for menu items with the given id and set/clear all found entries. INPUTS MenuID - the value you wrote into the UserData field of struct NewMenu. set - TRUE to set checkmark, FALSE to clear SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_GetMenuCheck, MUIA_Application_Menu,
NAME MUIM_Application_SetMenuState (V4 ) (OBSOLETE) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_SetMenuState,ULONG MenuID, LONG stat); FUNCTION Enable or disable a menu item. The application will ask its sub windows for menu items with the given id and enable/disable all found entries. INPUTS MenuID - the value you wrote into the UserData field of struct NewMenu. set - TRUE to enable item, FALSE to disable. SEE ALSO MUIM_Application_GetMenuState, MUIA_Application_Menu,
NAME MUIM_Application_ShowHelp (V4 ) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_ShowHelp,Object *window, char *name, char *node, LONG line); FUNCTION Show an AmigaGuide help file. The application will be put to sleep until the file is displayed. Usually, you don't need to call this method directly. MUI comes with a sophisticated online help system, you just need to supply your gadgets with help nodes and everything will be handled automatically. INPUTS window - (Object *) - Help will appear on this windows screen. May be NULL, help will appear on default public screen then. May also be (Object *)0xffffffff, MUI will use the first open child window of application as reference for the screen (since muimaster.library V18). name - (char *) - name of the help file. If set to NULL, MUI will use contents of MUIA_Application_HelpFile instead (since muimaster.library V18). node - (char *) - name of a node in this help file. line - (LONG) - line number. SEE ALSO MUIA_HelpFile, MUIA_HelpNode, MUIA_HelpLine
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